30th «Miss Ukraine» Grand show will take place!

30th «Miss Ukraine» Grand show will take place!

On April 22, a press conference was held at the Interfax news agency on the occasion of the "Miss Ukraine" 30th anniversary.


At the press conference, new owner and head of the committee, Veronika Shchiptsova, was presented.  She had announced that this year the grand final of the national beauty contest "Miss Ukraine-2021" would take place! A new creative team would be involved for organizing spectacular show, and it was also planned to involve Ukrainian and international companies as partners. The event was scheduled for October 2021 at the National Palace of Arts «Ukraine».


For the first time in contest’s history the organizers announced open castings. It is known that Odesa will be the first city for a regional casting.


As noted above, the organizers of the competition prepares many innovations to the 30th anniversary.


Veronika Shchiptsova shared, “The age-limits were increased this year, so even more Ukrainian women will be able to take part in the selection. Until 2021, the upper age limit for participants was 25 years old, this year Ukrainian female in age between 17 and 26 are able to apply for the contest. In addition to age limit, ladies must meet other selection requirements: height - over 168 cm, to have Ukrainian citizenship, not to be married and not to have child. "


It was announced that the prize fund was increased to UAH 1 million in 2021. The winner of the final will get the "Miss Ukraine-2021" title, coveted crown and UAH 500 000. Winners of the "Miss Earth" and "Miss International" titles will get prize money in the amount of UAH 250 000.


Also at the press conference, the names of foreign representatives of the jury were announced - they were Jacob Arabo, founder of the international jewelry company Jacob & Co, and Johan Nilson, a famous traveler and Global Non-Violence Ambassador.


As the organizers noted, a reality show will be filmed before the final of the contest. The reality show will reveal exclusive information about contestants and backstage of the «Miss Ukraine-2021» competition.


We recall that the winner of the «Miss Ukraine 2021» final will represent Ukraine at the «Miss World» international competition in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


«Miss Ukraine» news on the official website https://missukraine.ua/ru/about/, as well as on the following pages:

Instagram (https://instagram.com/missukraine_official?igshid=yyc0iljo5mk1),

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/missukraineofficial) ta

Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClJqZmcp67NCQxpdA-pc5ZQ)

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The war has divided everyone's life into «before and after.» Some put on helmets and went to the frontlines, while others took up defense and became a reliable support in the rear. We truly believe that all Ukrainian women should unite for victory. That is why the "Miss Ukraine" team is using the stage of international contests as a platform for support.
