Charity event "Make kids happy"

Charity event "Make kids happy"

The National Committee of "Miss Ukraine" with the charity foundation "Ye syly" and "Miss Earth-2017" Diana Mironenko make a nice charity event. The main goal was to create a fairy tale for those children who had difficult fate. So they wouldn't stay without gifts and happiness on St. Nicholas Day. The committee start a big collection of toys in the Miss Ukraine office. Thanks to the huge numbers and responsiveness of people, so many gifts were collected that it was possible to provide the entire Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children No. 1. And some of them were given to children with a diagnosis of SMA. Although the committee accepted both new and second-hand toys from those who wished, 90% of them had just been brought from the store.

"We are happy that all our Miss's supported us! Successful models, titled Miss, TV presenters took an active part in our project. Thank you girls! Let's make the world a little kinder, happier, more cheerful together." - adds Veronika Shchiptsova, head of Miss Ukraine.

“On the day when we announced our action, we received messages from people who are ready to take part in the Action and, with joy, will give the kids toys and more. Our camp was in two cities of Ukraine, Odessa and Kiev. The main idea is to help children all over Ukraine. Unfortunately, the pandemic has changed the lives of many and not everyone now has the opportunity to help financially, so we thought toys were a great idea! " - comments Diana Mironenko, head of the charity foundation "Ye syly".

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The war has divided everyone's life into «before and after.» Some put on helmets and went to the frontlines, while others took up defense and became a reliable support in the rear. We truly believe that all Ukrainian women should unite for victory. That is why the "Miss Ukraine" team is using the stage of international contests as a platform for support.
